Then they laid hands on them and they received the holy Spirit.
-Acts 8:17
Teen Confirmation Program.
+ 2024-25 Teen Confirmation Program has started! Our Registration is now closed - please pray for our catechists and students
+ 2024-25 Teen Confirmation Program has started! Our Registration is now closed - please pray for our catechists and students
Confirmation is one of the three Sacraments of initiation (along with Baptism and Holy Communion) that bring someone fully into Christ’s body. Its reception unleashes the full power of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit marking the beginning of one’s adult faith journey and empowering the confirmed to proclaim and defend the faith.
Our goal is to bring our teens into a closer relationship with God while giving them the tools they need to take ownership of their faith journey as they enter adulthood.
The Holy Family program is a two-year program aimed at high school-age teens (exceptions are made). The program includes catechesis, small group discussion, retreats, Christian service, and a little bit of fun. We explore the core elements of our faith along with the challenges youth (and often adults) face in living out our faith in an increasingly secularized and relativized culture.
We encourage parents to become actively engaged in the program and require them to attend a portion of the classes. All of our sessions are open to the entire family.
Children must be Baptized and ideally have already received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion (exceptions are made). A copy of the Baptismal and Holy Communion certificate must be provided in person or via email (cmorris@hforange.org).
Children must be at least 12 years old and no more than 17 years old.
Parents must be actively practicing Catholics that are minimally adhering to the five Precepts of the Church (See CCC 2041-2043).
Both Parents and Teens must attend one of the two information sessions held at the end of August / early September 2024
Program Flow
Teens attend two classes per month August through April. Classes will usually include an opening challenge or game, 40 minutes of Catechesis, and 25 minutes of small group discussion (parents meet separately for discussion).
Parents are required to attend six of the 13 class sessions of their choice. Parents are encouraged to attend all sessions.
All Teens are required to attend or make-up 12 of 13 live class sessions (can miss a maximum of three live sessions), complete 2 video-only sessions, pass a midterm and final assessment (both open book), complete 20 Christian service hours, identify and explain their ten favorite Bible verses, and attend at least one of our two retreats.
In addition, Year 1 students must write a short paper on their chosen patron Saint and Year 2 students must write a letter seeking Confirmation to the Bishop.
Fees must be settled prior to registration being complete; however, payment does not guarantee a place in the program at Holy Family Catholic Church.
We will send an email to Parent/Guardian to verify registration is complete (Form submitted, fees paid, certificates provided).
Registration, Fee Payment, and Certificate submission can also be completed in the Parish Office Monday-Friday, 10AM-4PM.
Questions/Need Help? Email CMorris@hforange.org
Please keep our teens, their families, and our staff in your prayers!
For Our Adult Program -
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
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