Faith Formation.
And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
—Luke 11:9-10
Faith formation is a lifelong process.
At Holy Family Catholic Church, we offer programs that will deepen your understanding of our faith and draw you closer to God for every stage of life. From Sacramental preparation programs for children, teens and adults to programs for young families to study the faith together, to our adult talk series and short course faith studies, we aim to offer something for everyone and at every stage of life.
Growing in Faith at Holy Family
Isn’t it time you found out for yourself what the Fathers of Vatican II taught?
Fall/Winter Schedule for 2024-25
St. Patrick's Summer - A Program for Families with Young Children (reading age to ~12 years old)
Basic apologetics course - limited to first ten registrants!

The Catholic Faith. On Demand. An online resource provided by Holy Family Catholic Church.

Do you have questions about the Catholic Faith?
Submit your own or take a look at questions previously answered
Questions responded to by Faith Formation Director, Christopher Morris, M.Th.

Independent Study Options
I want to deepen my faith - what are some options?
lThe “Elevate Series” is Returning!
Last fall we ran an 18-part talk series (3 rounds of 6 sessions) under the banner name, “Elevate.” We discussed a wide variety of topics during our 1-hour sessions that were selected by the attendees themselves. Topics included the Real Presence, Doctrinal Development, The Problem of Evil, The Shroud of Turin, Messianic Prophecy, the Evolution of the Mass and Marian Apparitions. Each session was independent so attendees could attend one, attend them all, or pick and choose those that were of most interest.
We are bringing “Elevate” back at a new day and time – Saturday mornings (following 8:15 AM Mass) vs Tuesday evenings. In order to maximize value, we once again want those that have interest in participating help us select the topics discussed. Please let your voice be heard by completing our survey using the link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ELEVATE23
Consider forming a Discipleship Quad – you just need four men or women that can commit to embarking on a faith journey together. Materials are free and the schedule is up to you. For more information go here
Leverage Holy Family’s subscription to Formed to access video and audio programs of interest. It’s free, it’s professionally produced, its powerful, it’s available on your schedule! https://signup.formed.org/
Check out Catholic Answers www.catholic.com – it's Google for Catholics and contains loads of free information about our faith. Check out their daily radio show or download their podcast
Join us for any one of our OCIA or Teen Confirmation sessions that may be of interest to you – see schedule of topics here
Contact the office and get some recommendations tailored to where you are in your faith journey.

Useful Links.
Check out Catholic Answers – it's Google for Catholics and contains loads of free information about our faith. Check out their daily radio show or download their podcast. =>https://Catholic.com
Catechesis on the Liturgy is a 20-part series with Rev. Fr. Joseph Squillacioti S.T.L. of St. Edward the Confessor, which goes through each section of the Mass in detail, leading you to a deeper understanding of the Liturgy. =>https://www.stedward.com/catechesis-on-the-liturgy
United States Council Of Catholic Bishops website. So much about our faith can be found here along with a host of references to help you on your faith journey. => https://www.usccb.org/
The Vatican website. You can find so much here (e.g. magisterial documents for download). Tool around and see what’s available. => https://www.vatican.va/content/vatican/en.html
Online version of the Bible (Courtesy of the USCCB) => https://bible.usccb.org/bible
Online version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Courtesy of USCCB) =>www.usccb.org/sites/default/files/flipbooks/catechism/
Diocese of Orange website. A treasure trove of resources about what is happening in and around the Diocese. => https://rcbo.org/
Eternal World Television network site (EWTN) => https://www.ewtn.com/
The National Catholic register. Catholic News presented from a Catholic perspective (a product of EWTN) => https://www.ncregister.com/
“Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”