Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.
-John 6:54

Most Holy Eucharist.
+ 2024-25 First Penance/First Holy Communion Programs have started! Our Registration is now closed
+ 2024-25 First Penance/First Holy Communion Programs have started! Our Registration is now closed
First Eucharist for Children (First Communion)
All our programs for children are parent and family centric. Studies consistently show that parents are far more effective in helping their children embrace and live the faith than the best child-focused classroom style catechetical programs.
This program is a two-year program that prepares and enables parents to share the elements of the faith with their children that will allow them to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation (at end of year 1) and Holy Communion (at end of year 2).
We leverage the Augustine Institute’s “Signs of Grace” program materials, which includes “You are Forgiven” for year one and “You are Loved” for year two. We supplement these materials with custom content produced by the Faith Formation Team at Holy Family Catholic Church.
During these two years, parents will deepen their own relationship with God as they are prepared to help their children grow in their faith through engaging content, fun activities, and compelling stories. This will help the children understand intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally that the Sacraments are a real encounter with Jesus Christ and that they are beloved daughters and sons of God.
Children must be Baptized. A copy of the Baptismal certificate must be provided in person or via email (cmorris@hforange.org)
Children must be at least 6 years old and no more than 13 years old.
Parents must be actively practicing Catholics that are minimally adhering to the five Precepts of the Church (See CCC 2041-2043).
Program Flow
Parents attend one class per month August through May with their children (takes place on a Tuesday evening)
Parents are provided materials (Study Guide and Activity Book), week by week tasks lists and references to deepen their child’s understanding of the topic of each month’s lesson.
** Registration is now closed **
3 Step Process
Complete Online Registration Form (now closed)
Scan/take a picture of the child’s Sacramental certificate(s) and email to: cmorris@hforange.org
Arrange for fee payment — can pay fees online using button below or in the church office by check, cash or credit card. If you need financial assistance, contact cmorris@hforange.org
These steps must be completed before classes begin
Questions/Need Help? Email CMorris@hforange.org
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