Holy Family Catholic Church
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
Singing in the choir, teaching a religious education class, bringing the Eucharist to the homebound, greeting parishioners with a warm hello, or leading the community in praying the rosary online are all great ways to thank the Lord for the gifts that He has given each of us.
Our blessings are only ours through the Grace of God and those blessings can help to do God’s work by supporting the mission of our parish and it many ministries.
Time, it often seems that we either have too much or too little. If you have too much, you're sure to find at least one or two ministries to your liking at Holy Family Catholic Church. If you have too little, know that many ministries ask volunteers for as little as one hour a month.
Our gifts are as varied as there are parishioners. However, one thing holds true for all - the community of Holy Family needs each of us. Our parish just doesn't work without you sharing the good that God has created in you!
The gift of our treasure is probably the most challenging to each of us as well as being a test of our faith. The world around us holds wealth and possessions as symbols of our independence, power and personal success.
We must prayerfully consider “moving forward in faith” in an unconventional way — without guarantees of a return or gratification from our financial gifts. We are not “buying” anything with our gifts but rather making a return to the Lord for the many gifts He has bestowed on us.
We are called to serve others with our gifts.
“We cannot stand idly by, enjoying our riches and freedom if, in any place, the Lazarus of the 21st century stands at our doors.”