Ash Wednesday 2021


January 28, 2021: Announcement from the Diocese of Orange

In the past when receiving ashes, a cross was traced on your forehead. This year because of COVID-19, the Holy See has instructed that ashes are to be sprinkled on the head as is done in many parts of the world. When you come forward to receive your ashes, please bow your head. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

En el pasado, al recibir cenizas, se trazaba una cruz en la frente. Este año, debido al COVID-19, las Santa Sede ha ordenado que las cenizas se esparzan sobre la cabeza, lo cual se hace en muchas partes del mundo. Este año, cuando se presente para recibir sus cenizas, incline la cabeza. Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación.


Our schedule for Wednesday, February 17, 2021 -

8:15 am to 9:15 am - Distribution of Ashes outside the sacristy (NO MASS)

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm - Distribution of Ashes outside the sacristy (NO MASS)

4:00 pm Mass in the courtyard (Distribution of Ashes after Mass)

5:30 pm Mass in the courtyard (Distribution of Ashes after Mass)

7:00 pm Misa Spanish Mass in the courtyard (cenizas después de la misa)

(NOTE: No reservation necessary for Masses on Ash Wednesday)

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Indoor Worship


Note from The Vatican on Sunday of the Word of God