Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Mondays at 5 PM
Saturdays at 2 PM
Mondays - Starting at 5:30 pm
Saturdays - Starting at 2:30 pm
For Adults - see OCIA click here
For Children - see First Communion click here
Confessions will be heard in the church
If you are not a parishioner of Holy Family Catholic Church, please first try making an appointment with your parish priest before coming to Holy Family Catholic Church.
Due to time constraints there will not be time for counseling at this time. Please be prepared to only confess your sins.
Granted we have received a high volume of requests for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we ask for your patience and understanding. We want to offer you the sacrament just as much as you desire it. Thank you!
Las Confesiones continuaran realizándose el sábado 2:30 pm y el lunes a las 5:30 pm.
Las confesiones se escucharán adentro (al marzo 2021)
Si pertenece a otra Parroquia, favor de acudir a ella antes de solicitar el sacramento a la Sagrada Familia.
Es necesario preparar con anticipación la confesión para ayudar a que se realice con agilidad, confesando solo los pecados, no es dirección espiritual.
Agradecemos su paciencia si tenemos un gran número de penitentes.
(Article initially published May 28, 2020)