Share your faith, restore the church, build the future

Catholics in the United States will have an opportunity to show solidarity and share their faith by giving to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) annual Collection for the Church in Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

“Share your faith, restore the church, build the future” appeal for The Church in Africa, Latin America & Eastern Europe

This weekend, the Diocese of Orange will respond to the appeal for the Church in Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe.  For many in these areas, a rising secular culture, difficult rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers present obstacles to practicing the faith.  Your support to the collection provides lay leadership training, catechesis, priestly and religious formation, and other programs to share our faith with those who long to hear the Good News of Christ.  Thank you for your generosity.

 Holy Family will not have a second collection this weekend, instead, a portion of the weekend’s offertory will be given in support of this appeal.

"Comparte tu fe, restaura la iglesia, construye el futuro" para La Iglesia en África, América Latina y Europa del Este

Este fin de semana, la diócesis de Orange responderá al llamamiento para la Iglesia en África, América Latina y Europa del Este. Para muchos en estas áreas, una cultura secular en ascenso, un terreno rural difícil y una escasez de ministros presentan obstáculos para practicar la fe. Su apoyo a la colecta proporciona capacitación en liderazgo laico, catequesis, formación sacerdotal y religiosa, y otros programas para compartir nuestra fe con aquellos que anhelan escuchar las Buenas Nuevas de Cristo. Gracias por su generosidad.

La iglesia de Holy Family no tendrá una segunda colecta este fin de semana, sino que se dará una parte del ofertorio del fin de semana en apoyo de esta petición.


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Seven Sundays for Saint Joseph?


Christmas, the Nativity of the Lord