
The Sinulog festival commemorates the Filipino people's conversion to Christianity, which began with the arrival of Spanish missionaries in the 16th century. The Santo Niño, a representation of the Child Jesus, is believed to have been given as a gift to Queen Juana of Cebu by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1521. This event marked the beginning of the Christianization of the Philippines, and the Santo Niño has since become a symbol of faith and devotion among Filipinos.

The Philippines oldest Catholic icon, the Santo Niño, is known for His miracles and people’s devotions that transcend religions. Pope Francis said that “the Holy Child (Santo Niño) is the Protector of the Philippines for half a millennium thus His significance both in the country and culture of the filipinos.”

“The Santo Niño serves as a reminder of the humility and innocence of Christ, encouraging the faithful to embrace childlike faith and trust in God.” - Pope John Paul II

January 18, 2025

Join us for this inaugural celebration of Sinulog at Holy Family in Orange!

Starting with 4:00 PM Mass featuring the Filipino Choir

Special Blessing of Santo Niño statues at the end of Mass

Followed by Rosary in the church and

Procession to Refreshments/Dinner in the Hall at Holy Family


PC: Danny Haik

Also, article in OC Catholic:

For more information, text or call:  

Marleen (714) 928-9974 or Lina (714) 273-9523

Filipino Americans of Holy Family Catholic Church meet every second Monday of the month, kindly RSVP above.


National Marriage Week


St Vincent de Paul collection