Summer Mission Coop

The Missionary Cooperative Plan is the main source of income for many missionary groups/projects worldwide. Each summer a missionary group assigned to our parish gets the opportunity to do appeals at all the masses in our parish on an agreed upon weekend arranged by our parish. A second collection is taken up at our parish and then sent to the Diocese accounting office for processing.

Thank you in advance for welcoming our missionary representative this August!

Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me.” It is a Christian virtue to offer hospitality to strangers. We are grateful to our parish community for providing lodging for our guest.

Please note,

  • Your donation to this Second collection or directly through FaithDirect is a way for us as Catholics to unite and participate in the mission ministry we are all called to.

  • Missionaries do not distribute envelopes/materials which solicit additional information or attempt to sell other goods, as a part of the Parish Mission Cooperative.

  • All collection funds are forwarded to our Diocese Accounting department for the Mission Office (no later than 9/30/2023) – never directly to the missionary!

  • Funds will be distributed to the Missionary by the Mission Office and Accounting office.


Thank You!


Let us not abandon them