Your Generosity is appreciated!

February 19, 2024 

Dear Holy Family Parishioners,  

Greetings from Italy! Eight months ago I wrote to you asking for your help in raising money for my community to purchase vehicles so that we could have enough seats for our entire community. Now I write to you to give thanks for your help! Because of you we were able to purchase a vehicle that is in excellent condition. This is a huge gift to our community, which would not have been possible without you. Not only were we able to buy the van we needed, but there was enough left that we are hoping to replace the little car we have; it doesn’t have much life left in it.

I and the sisters that I have lived with for the past year, leave for our missions this week. We came from every continent and are now being sent out to every continent to share the joy of a life totally given to Christ. I, along with 5 other sisters, will be entering our contemplative monastery. We will have one year of monastic formation in Genoa, Italy and then will be sent to one of our monasteries in the world. The life we will live in the monastery is one lived in an intimate silence with our Lord begging for the salvation of souls. Be assured that all of you will be in my prayers. Please pray for myself and my sisters in our new missions! Thank you for your generosity. God will never be outdone in generosity; the more we give the more we receive.  

Sisters in Italy with their new vehicle

Sr. Virtue and community members in Italy with vehicle

United in the Sacred Heart of Christ,  

Sr. Mary Model of Virtue Noonan 

Below is the previously shared video request, aiding in total donations from Holy Family Parishioners nearing $12,000 last July 2023.

Sr. Mary Model of Virtue Noonan is a former parishioner and student of Holy Family. Her mother is current parishioner, Brigid Noonan.


Divine Mercy Sunday


Bishop Freyer Invitation: Siempre Adelante