Bishop Tod Brown’s 60th
Revisiting Bishop Tod’s 60th Anniversary of the Priesthood Celebration

Thank You from Sami G
It is hard to put into words what has happened over the past couple of months here at Black Hills State - all I can say is that God is moving in big ways…

Help support our Christian brothers and sisters in maintaining their presence in the Holy Land!

Solemnity. Holy Day of Obligation.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Solemnity. Holy Day of Obligation.

Thank You!
Father Rudy’s recent visit brings out the generosity of the parish for the Maalgo Project

Summer Mission Coop
This August we will welcome Sr. Teslin Joseph of the Sacred Heart religious order!

This week on FORMED…
Catholic resources for all ages and faith levels! A gift for our parishioners to learn about and share our faith!

Is this what you’re looking for?
A chance for Community? Understanding Faith? Love of Jesus?

Ready, Set, Prep!
Our Parish Mission gave us a chance to prepare our hearts and minds for Lent and Easter through Discipleship Quads.